Healing, in community.


BIPOC Group Therapy

Weekly group therapy online offers you an opportunity to access therapeutic support while being witnessed by others in a compassionate, non-judgmental and non-directive environment. The focus of the group is to be present with what arises and meet the moment as we are, with no requirement to be any different. Sharing emotions helps us process difficult experiences during this uncertain time and create new narratives of hope if we choose to. Each group will be limited to eight participants and group agreements will be in place to ensure the space remains as safe as possible for everyone.


1-On-1 Therapy

Integrative and African-centred psychotherapy is a holistic approach to mental health that provides a pathway to thriving despite the impact of racism and oppression. Therapy is a tool for radical conversations, renegotiating trauma and finding more joy, safety and pleasure in daily life.


Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is different to one-to-one work as it’s looking at a dynamic between two people and the different needs that might exist within a relationship. Sessions provide a space to have different conversations, to feel understood and to reach different outcomes with the support of a professional.



Our events are community-led and BPOC only, offering decolonial perspectives on healing and wellness.